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Definition of 'Insider'

An insider is a person who has access to confidential information about a company. This information could be about the company's financial performance, upcoming product launches, or mergers and acquisitions. Insiders are often prohibited from trading the company's stock based on this information. However, there are a number of ways that insiders can still profit from their knowledge.

One way is to sell their shares before the public announcement of material news. This is known as insider trading and is illegal in most countries. However, insiders can sometimes get away with insider trading if they are careful not to leave a paper trail.

Another way that insiders can profit from their knowledge is to use it to make investment decisions for their clients. This is known as front running and is also illegal in most countries. However, it can be difficult to prove that an insider has engaged in front running.

Insiders can also use their knowledge to influence the market. For example, they can make public statements that are designed to boost the stock price. This is known as market manipulation and is also illegal in most countries. However, it can be difficult to prove that an insider has engaged in market manipulation.

The term "insider" can also refer to a member of the board of directors or a senior executive of a company. These individuals are often considered to be insiders because they have access to confidential information about the company. However, they are not subject to the same restrictions on trading as other insiders.

Insider trading is a serious problem that can undermine the integrity of the financial markets. It is important for regulators to take steps to prevent insider trading and to punish those who engage in it.

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