Institute for Supply Management (ISM)

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Definition of 'Institute for Supply Management (ISM)'

The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) is a non-profit organization that provides information about the manufacturing sector of the United States economy. The ISM was founded in 1915 and is headquartered in Tempe, Arizona. The ISM publishes a monthly report on the manufacturing sector, which is based on a survey of purchasing managers. The ISM's survey is considered to be a leading indicator of economic activity.

The ISM's monthly report includes several key indicators, including the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI). The PMI is a measure of the activity level in the manufacturing sector. A PMI reading above 50 indicates that the manufacturing sector is expanding, while a reading below 50 indicates that the manufacturing sector is contracting.

The ISM also publishes a report on the services sector of the United States economy. The services sector is the largest sector of the U.S. economy, accounting for about 80% of GDP. The ISM's services sector report is based on a survey of purchasing managers in the services sector.

The ISM's reports are used by businesses, investors, and policymakers to make decisions about the economy. The ISM's reports are also used by economists to track the health of the economy.

The ISM is a respected organization that provides valuable information about the U.S. economy. The ISM's reports are a must-read for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the state of the economy.

In addition to its monthly reports, the ISM also publishes a quarterly report on the U.S. economy. The quarterly report provides a more comprehensive look at the economy than the monthly reports. The quarterly report includes data on the manufacturing sector, the services sector, and the overall economy.

The ISM also publishes a number of other reports, including reports on specific industries, such as the automotive industry and the construction industry. The ISM also publishes reports on international trade and on economic conditions in other countries.

The ISM is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the U.S. economy and the global economy. The ISM's reports are a must-read for businesses, investors, and policymakers.

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