Interest Rate Future

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Definition of 'Interest Rate Future'

An interest rate future is a financial contract that obligates the buyer to purchase an interest-bearing asset at a predetermined price on a specified date. The seller of the contract agrees to sell the asset at the same price. Interest rate futures are traded on exchanges and are used to hedge against interest rate risk or to speculate on future interest rates.

There are two main types of interest rate futures: Treasury bond futures and Eurodollar futures. Treasury bond futures are based on U.S. Treasury bonds, while Eurodollar futures are based on U.S. dollar-denominated deposits held in banks outside the United States.

Interest rate futures are priced based on the interest rate implied by the contract. The implied interest rate is the rate that would make the contract's value equal to zero. The implied interest rate is determined by the current market price of the contract and the contract's settlement date.

Interest rate futures are used by a variety of market participants, including banks, corporations, and hedge funds. Banks use interest rate futures to hedge against interest rate risk, which is the risk that changes in interest rates will affect the value of their assets and liabilities. Corporations use interest rate futures to manage their interest costs. Hedge funds use interest rate futures to speculate on future interest rates.

Interest rate futures can be used to hedge against interest rate risk or to speculate on future interest rates. Hedging is the process of reducing the risk of loss by taking an offsetting position in another financial instrument. Speculation is the process of taking a position in a financial instrument in the hope of making a profit.

Interest rate futures are a complex financial instrument and should only be used by investors who understand the risks involved.

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