Intermediate Good

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Definition of 'Intermediate Good'

An intermediate good is a good or service that is used in the production of another good or service. Intermediate goods are not sold to final consumers but are instead used to produce other goods or services.

Intermediate goods are an important part of the economy because they help to create value. When a company produces an intermediate good, it is adding value to the product that it is producing. This value is then passed on to the final consumer when the final product is sold.

Intermediate goods can be classified into two categories: capital goods and non-capital goods. Capital goods are goods that are used to produce other goods or services. Examples of capital goods include machinery, equipment, and buildings. Non-capital goods are goods that are not used to produce other goods or services. Examples of non-capital goods include food, clothing, and furniture.

The production of intermediate goods is an important part of the economy. Intermediate goods help to create value and they are used to produce other goods and services. The production of intermediate goods also creates jobs and stimulates the economy.

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