International Finance Corporation

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Definition of 'International Finance Corporation'

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) is a member of the World Bank Group. It is the largest global development institution focused exclusively on the private sector in developing countries. IFC provides loans, equity, guarantees, and advisory services to businesses in developing countries. IFC also works with governments and other partners to improve the business environment and attract private investment.

IFC was established in 1956 with an initial capital of $100 million. Today, IFC has a capital of more than $100 billion. IFC invests in businesses in more than 100 countries. IFC's investments have helped to create millions of jobs and improve the lives of millions of people.

IFC's work is guided by its mission to create opportunity for people to build better lives. IFC believes that the private sector is the key to economic growth and poverty reduction in developing countries. IFC works to promote private sector development by providing financial and technical assistance to businesses, supporting reforms that improve the business environment, and helping to build strong institutions.

IFC is a global leader in the private sector development field. IFC has a long history of success in helping businesses in developing countries grow and create jobs. IFC's work has made a significant contribution to poverty reduction and economic growth in developing countries.

Here are some of the ways that IFC has helped to improve the lives of people in developing countries:

* IFC has helped to create millions of jobs.
* IFC has helped to improve the lives of millions of people by providing access to essential services such as water, sanitation, and electricity.
* IFC has helped to promote economic growth and poverty reduction by supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs.
* IFC has helped to strengthen the business environment in developing countries by working with governments to improve the regulatory framework and promote competition.

IFC is committed to continuing its work to improve the lives of people in developing countries. IFC believes that the private sector is the key to economic growth and poverty reduction, and IFC is committed to supporting the private sector in developing countries.

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