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Definition of 'Interpolation'

Interpolation is a method of estimating the value of a function at a point between two known points. It is a type of extrapolation, which is the process of estimating the value of a function outside of the range of known data.

Interpolation is used in a variety of fields, including finance, engineering, and science. In finance, interpolation is used to estimate the value of financial instruments, such as stocks and bonds, at a future date. This is done by using historical data to estimate the rate of change of the instrument's value.

In engineering, interpolation is used to estimate the strength of materials, such as steel and concrete. This is done by using data from experiments to estimate the relationship between the material's strength and its properties, such as density and grain size.

In science, interpolation is used to estimate the value of physical quantities, such as temperature and pressure. This is done by using data from experiments to estimate the relationship between the quantity and its other properties.

Interpolation is a powerful tool that can be used to estimate the value of a function at a point between two known points. It is used in a variety of fields, including finance, engineering, and science.

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