Investment Manager

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Definition of 'Investment Manager'

An investment manager is a professional who is responsible for managing the investments of a client or group of clients. Investment managers typically have a background in finance and investment, and they use their expertise to help clients achieve their financial goals.

There are many different types of investment managers, each with their own area of expertise. Some investment managers focus on stocks, while others focus on bonds or other types of investments. Some investment managers also offer advisory services, which can help clients make informed investment decisions.

Investment managers typically charge a fee for their services, which is based on a percentage of the assets that they manage. The fee structure can vary depending on the type of investment manager and the services that they offer.

It is important to note that investment managers are not financial advisors. Financial advisors provide advice on financial planning and investment strategies, while investment managers are responsible for managing the investments of their clients.

If you are considering hiring an investment manager, it is important to do your research and find a manager who is qualified and experienced. You should also make sure that you understand the fees that the manager charges and the services that they offer.

Here are some tips for finding a good investment manager:

* Do your research. Ask for references and check with the Better Business Bureau.
* Interview several candidates. Make sure that you feel comfortable with the manager and that you understand their investment philosophy.
* Get everything in writing. Make sure that you understand the fees that the manager charges and the services that they offer.

Investment managers can be a valuable asset to help you achieve your financial goals. By doing your research and choosing a qualified manager, you can increase your chances of success.

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