Kamikaze Defense

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Definition of 'Kamikaze Defense'

The kamikaze defense is a strategy used by companies in distress to avoid bankruptcy. It involves selling off assets and cutting costs in order to generate cash flow and improve the company's financial position. The term "kamikaze" is derived from the Japanese word for "divine wind," which refers to the suicide attacks by Japanese pilots during World War II.

The kamikaze defense is a risky strategy, as it can damage the company's long-term prospects. However, it can be a successful way to avoid bankruptcy in the short term.

There are a number of ways that companies can use the kamikaze defense. One common tactic is to sell off assets that are not essential to the company's core business. This can generate cash flow that can be used to pay off debt or invest in new products and services.

Another tactic is to cut costs by reducing staff, closing facilities, or cutting back on research and development. This can also help to generate cash flow and improve the company's financial position.

The kamikaze defense is not without its risks. By selling off assets or cutting costs, the company may be sacrificing its long-term prospects. For example, selling off a key asset could make the company more vulnerable to competition. And cutting costs could lead to a decline in quality or customer service.

However, the kamikaze defense can be a successful way to avoid bankruptcy in the short term. If a company is in serious financial trouble, it may have no other choice but to use this strategy.

The kamikaze defense is a controversial strategy. Some people believe that it is unethical, as it involves sacrificing the company's long-term prospects for short-term gain. Others believe that it is a legitimate strategy that can be used to save a company from bankruptcy.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use the kamikaze defense is a decision that each company must make for itself. There is no right or wrong answer.

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