Key Employee

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Definition of 'Key Employee'

A key employee is a person whose skills and knowledge are essential to the success of a company. They are often highly paid and may be given stock options or other incentives to stay with the company. Key employees can be a valuable asset to a company, but they can also be a liability if they leave.

There are a few different ways to identify key employees. One way is to look at their job title. Key employees are often in senior management positions or have specialized skills that are essential to the company's operations. Another way to identify key employees is to look at their performance. Key employees are typically high performers who are critical to the company's success.

Once key employees have been identified, it is important to develop a plan to retain them. This may include providing them with competitive salaries and benefits, opportunities for professional development, and a positive work environment. It is also important to have a succession plan in place in case a key employee leaves the company.

Key employees can be a valuable asset to a company, but they can also be a liability if they leave. It is important to identify key employees and develop a plan to retain them.

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