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Definition of 'Kicker'

A kicker is a type of financial incentive that is often used in the context of employee compensation. It is typically a one-time payment that is made in addition to the employee's regular salary or wages. Kickers can be used to reward employees for achieving specific goals, such as meeting sales targets or increasing productivity. They can also be used to retain employees or to attract new talent.

There are a number of different ways to structure a kicker. One common approach is to base the amount of the kicker on the employee's performance. For example, an employee might receive a 10% kicker if they meet their sales targets for the year. Another approach is to base the kicker on the company's performance. For example, an employee might receive a 5% kicker if the company's profits increase by 10%.

Kickers can be a valuable tool for employers to use in motivating and rewarding employees. However, it is important to use them carefully. Kickers should be structured in a way that is fair and equitable to all employees. They should also be used in a way that is consistent with the company's overall compensation philosophy.

In addition to being used as a form of employee compensation, kickers can also be used in other financial contexts. For example, kickers are sometimes used in the context of real estate transactions. In this case, the kicker is typically a one-time payment that is made by the buyer to the seller in addition to the purchase price of the property. The kicker can be used to cover closing costs or other expenses associated with the sale of the property.

Kickers can be a valuable tool for both employers and employees. They can be used to motivate and reward employees, retain top talent, and attract new employees. However, it is important to use kickers carefully to ensure that they are fair and equitable to all employees.

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