Last Twelve Months (LTM)

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Definition of 'Last Twelve Months (LTM)'

The last twelve months (LTM) is a financial term that refers to the twelve-month period ending on the most recent fiscal date. This period is often used to compare financial results over time, as it provides a consistent basis for comparison.

There are a few different ways to calculate LTM. One common method is to take the average of the twelve monthly income statements. Another method is to take the sum of the twelve monthly income statements and divide by twelve.

The LTM is often used to compare a company's financial performance to its competitors. It can also be used to track a company's financial performance over time.

There are a few advantages to using the LTM. First, it provides a consistent basis for comparison. Second, it can help to identify trends in a company's financial performance. Third, it can help to identify potential problems in a company's financial health.

However, there are also a few disadvantages to using the LTM. First, it can be difficult to compare companies that have different fiscal years. Second, it can be difficult to compare companies that have different accounting methods. Third, it can be difficult to compare companies that are in different industries.

Overall, the LTM is a useful financial term that can be used to compare financial results over time and identify trends in a company's financial performance. However, it is important to be aware of the limitations of the LTM before using it for comparison purposes.

Here are some additional examples of how the LTM can be used:

* A company may use the LTM to compare its financial performance to its competitors. For example, a company that sells software may compare its revenue growth over the LTM to the revenue growth of its competitors.
* A company may use the LTM to track its financial performance over time. For example, a company that is trying to increase its profitability may track its net income over the LTM.
* A company may use the LTM to identify potential problems in its financial health. For example, a company that is experiencing a decline in its revenue over the LTM may need to take steps to improve its sales.

The LTM is a versatile financial term that can be used for a variety of purposes. By understanding the advantages and disadvantages of the LTM, you can use it to make informed decisions about your business.

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