Law of Supply

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Definition of 'Law of Supply'

The law of supply is an economic principle that states that the quantity of a good or service that suppliers are willing and able to provide will increase as the price of that good or service increases. This is because suppliers are more likely to produce and sell a good or service if they can make a higher profit on it.

The law of supply is one of the fundamental principles of economics, and it plays a key role in determining the prices of goods and services. When the supply of a good or service increases, the price of that good or service will decrease. This is because there is more of the good or service available, which means that suppliers are less likely to be able to charge a high price for it. Conversely, when the supply of a good or service decreases, the price of that good or service will increase. This is because there is less of the good or service available, which means that suppliers are more likely to be able to charge a high price for it.

The law of supply is often used to explain why prices of goods and services tend to rise during times of economic growth and fall during times of economic recession. During economic growth, there is an increase in demand for goods and services, which leads to an increase in prices. During economic recession, there is a decrease in demand for goods and services, which leads to a decrease in prices.

The law of supply is also used to explain why prices of goods and services tend to be higher in some countries than in others. This is because the cost of production of goods and services can vary from country to country. For example, the cost of labor may be higher in one country than in another, which would lead to higher prices for goods and services in that country.

The law of supply is a powerful tool that can be used to understand the behavior of prices in a market economy. It is important to understand the law of supply in order to make informed decisions about economic policy and to make better financial decisions.

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