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Definition of 'Layoff'

A layoff is when an employer terminates the employment of a number of employees at the same time. Layoffs are often used as a cost-cutting measure during economic downturns, when businesses need to reduce their expenses.

There are a number of different reasons why a company might lay off employees. Some of the most common reasons include:

* **Financial difficulties:** A company may lay off employees if it is struggling financially and needs to reduce its costs.
* **Reorganization:** A company may lay off employees as part of a reorganization, which is when the company changes its structure or operations.
* **Downsizing:** A company may lay off employees as part of a downsizing, which is when the company reduces its workforce in order to save money.

Layoffs can have a significant impact on the employees who are affected. They can lose their jobs, their income, and their health insurance. Layoffs can also have a negative impact on the local economy, as laid-off workers spend less money and contribute less to the tax base.

There are a number of things that can be done to help employees who are laid off. Some of the most important things include:

* **Provide financial assistance:** The government can provide financial assistance to laid-off workers through unemployment benefits and other programs.
* **Provide job training:** The government can also provide job training to help laid-off workers find new jobs.
* **Provide support services:** The government can also provide support services to laid-off workers, such as counseling and job placement assistance.

Layoffs are a difficult experience for both employees and employers. However, there are a number of things that can be done to help employees who are laid off and to minimize the negative impact of layoffs on the economy.

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