Level 2

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Definition of 'Level 2'

Level 2 is a type of market data that provides more detail than Level 1 data. Level 2 data includes the bid and ask prices for a security, as well as the size of each order. This information can be used to identify potential trading opportunities and to make more informed decisions about when to buy or sell a security.

Level 2 data is typically provided by market data vendors, and it can be accessed through a variety of platforms. The cost of Level 2 data varies depending on the provider and the level of detail that is offered.

Level 2 data can be a valuable tool for traders, but it is important to understand the limitations of this data. Level 2 data does not provide all of the information that is needed to make a trading decision, and it is important to use other sources of information, such as fundamental analysis, to make informed decisions.

Here are some of the benefits of using Level 2 data:

* It can help traders to identify potential trading opportunities.
* It can help traders to make more informed decisions about when to buy or sell a security.
* It can provide traders with a better understanding of the market.

Here are some of the limitations of Level 2 data:

* It can be expensive.
* It can be difficult to interpret.
* It does not provide all of the information that is needed to make a trading decision.

Overall, Level 2 data can be a valuable tool for traders, but it is important to understand the limitations of this data before using it to make trading decisions.

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