Lien Sale

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Definition of 'Lien Sale'

A lien sale is a public auction of property that is subject to a lien. The lien is a legal claim on the property that gives the creditor the right to sell the property to satisfy the debt. Lien sales are often used to collect debts on defaulted loans, such as mortgages or car loans.

The process of a lien sale typically begins when the creditor files a lawsuit against the debtor. If the debtor fails to appear in court or fails to pay the debt, the creditor can obtain a judgment against the debtor. The creditor can then file a lien on the debtor's property, which gives the creditor the right to sell the property to satisfy the debt.

The lien sale is typically conducted by a sheriff or other public official. The property is sold to the highest bidder, and the proceeds are used to pay the debt and the costs of the sale. If the proceeds from the sale are not enough to pay the debt, the creditor can continue to pursue the debtor for the remaining debt.

Lien sales can be a valuable tool for creditors to collect debts. However, they can also be a burden for debtors, who may lose their property even if they are able to pay the debt. For this reason, it is important to understand the risks of a lien sale before taking out a loan.

Here are some additional details about lien sales:

* Lien sales are typically conducted at the courthouse or other public location.
* The property is sold to the highest bidder, who is not required to be the creditor.
* The proceeds from the sale are used to pay the debt and the costs of the sale.
* If the proceeds from the sale are not enough to pay the debt, the creditor can continue to pursue the debtor for the remaining debt.
* Lien sales can be a valuable tool for creditors to collect debts, but they can also be a burden for debtors.

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