Like-Kind Property

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Definition of 'Like-Kind Property'

Like-kind property is a term used in the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to describe property that is of the same nature or character, even if it is not identical. For example, a piece of land and a building are both considered like-kind property, even if they are not located on the same property.

The like-kind exchange provision allows taxpayers to defer capital gains taxes on the sale of investment property if they use the proceeds to purchase similar property. This can be a valuable tax break, especially for taxpayers who are looking to invest in real estate.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when considering a like-kind exchange. First, the property you are selling must be held for investment purposes. Second, the property you are buying must be of equal or greater value than the property you are selling. Third, the exchange must be completed within 180 days of the sale of the original property.

If you meet all of these requirements, you can defer the capital gains taxes on the sale of your investment property. This can save you a significant amount of money, and it can be a great way to invest in real estate.

Here are some additional details about like-kind exchanges:

* The property you are selling must be held for investment purposes for at least 12 months before the sale.
* The property you are buying must be used for investment purposes.
* The exchange must be completed within 180 days of the sale of the original property.
* You can only use like-kind exchanges once every 24 months.
* If you sell property that is not held for investment purposes, you will have to pay capital gains taxes on the sale.
* If you buy property that is not of equal or greater value than the property you are selling, you will have to pay capital gains taxes on the difference in value.

If you are considering a like-kind exchange, it is important to speak with a tax advisor to make sure you understand the rules and how they apply to your situation.

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