Loan Credit Default Swap Index (Markit LCDX)

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Definition of 'Loan Credit Default Swap Index (Markit LCDX)'

The Loan Credit Default Swap Index (Markit LCDX) is a benchmark index that measures the credit risk of the U.S. leveraged loan market. It is calculated by Markit, a financial data and analytics firm. The index is based on the prices of credit default swaps (CDS) on U.S. leveraged loans. A CDS is a financial contract that provides insurance against the default of a debt obligation. The Markit LCDX is used by investors, traders, and analysts to track the performance of the U.S. leveraged loan market and to make investment decisions.

The Markit LCDX is a broad-based index that includes loans from a variety of industries. The index is divided into three sub-indices:

* The Markit LCDX North America Index, which includes loans from U.S. companies
* The Markit LCDX Europe Index, which includes loans from European companies
* The Markit LCDX Asia Pacific Index, which includes loans from Asian companies

The Markit LCDX is a liquid index that is traded on a variety of exchanges. The index is also used as a basis for the pricing of other financial products, such as leveraged loans and credit default swaps.

The Markit LCDX is a useful tool for investors who want to track the performance of the U.S. leveraged loan market. The index can also be used to make investment decisions, such as when to buy or sell leveraged loans.

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