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Definition of 'Lobby'

A lobby is a group of people or an organization that tries to influence the decisions of a government or other organization. Lobbyists often work for businesses, trade associations, or other special interest groups. They try to persuade government officials to pass laws or regulations that will benefit their clients.

Lobbying is a legitimate form of political participation. However, there is a concern that some lobbyists may try to influence government decisions in ways that are not in the best interests of the public. To address this concern, there are a number of laws and regulations that govern lobbying.

One of the most important laws governing lobbying is the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. This law requires lobbyists to register with the government and disclose their activities. Lobbyists must also disclose the amount of money they spend on lobbying and the sources of their funding.

The Lobbying Disclosure Act has been effective in increasing transparency in the lobbying process. However, there are still concerns that some lobbyists may be able to influence government decisions in ways that are not in the best interests of the public.

One way to address this concern is to strengthen the enforcement of the Lobbying Disclosure Act. Another way is to create new laws and regulations that govern lobbying.

Lobbying is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, it is important to have a dialogue about the role of lobbying in our democracy. We need to ensure that lobbying is a legitimate form of political participation, but we also need to protect against the undue influence of special interests.

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