Longitudinal Data

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Definition of 'Longitudinal Data'

Longitudinal data is a type of data that is collected over time. This type of data can be used to track changes in a population or an individual over time. Longitudinal data can be used to study a variety of things, such as the effects of a new drug on a patient's health, the impact of a new policy on a community, or the changes in a company's stock price over time.

There are a few different ways to collect longitudinal data. One way is to conduct a longitudinal study, which is a study that follows a group of people or things over time. Another way to collect longitudinal data is to use administrative data, which is data that is collected by government agencies or other organizations.

Longitudinal data can be a valuable tool for researchers, but it can also be challenging to collect and analyze. One challenge is that longitudinal data can be expensive to collect. Another challenge is that longitudinal data can be difficult to analyze, especially if the data is collected over a long period of time.

Despite the challenges, longitudinal data can be a valuable tool for researchers. Longitudinal data can be used to study a variety of things, and it can help researchers to understand how things change over time.

Here are some examples of how longitudinal data can be used:

* A study that follows a group of patients over time to see how a new drug affects their health.
* A study that follows a group of students over time to see how their academic performance changes as they go through school.
* A study that follows a group of companies over time to see how their stock prices change over time.

Longitudinal data can be a valuable tool for researchers, but it can also be challenging to collect and analyze. If you are interested in using longitudinal data for your research, it is important to be aware of the challenges involved and to have a plan for how you will overcome them.

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