Loss Payee

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Definition of 'Loss Payee'

A loss payee is a person or entity who is named on an insurance policy to receive the proceeds of a claim in the event of a loss. The loss payee is typically the person or entity who owns the property that is insured, but it can also be a lender or other creditor who has an interest in the property.

When a loss occurs, the insurance company will pay the proceeds of the claim to the loss payee. The loss payee is then responsible for using the proceeds to repair or replace the damaged property. If the loss payee does not use the proceeds for this purpose, the insurance company may have the right to recover the funds from the loss payee.

It is important to note that the loss payee is not the same as the beneficiary of an insurance policy. The beneficiary is the person or entity who is entitled to receive the proceeds of the policy upon the death of the insured. The loss payee, on the other hand, is only entitled to receive the proceeds of the policy in the event of a loss.

Loss payees are often used in commercial insurance policies. For example, a business owner may name their lender as the loss payee on their property insurance policy. This ensures that the lender will be able to recover the cost of the loan if the property is damaged or destroyed.

Loss payees can also be used in personal insurance policies. For example, a homeowner may name their children as the loss payees on their homeowners insurance policy. This ensures that the children will be able to receive the proceeds of the policy if the home is damaged or destroyed.

It is important to understand the role of a loss payee before you sign an insurance policy. If you are not sure who should be named as the loss payee, you should consult with your insurance agent.

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