Marginal Revenue Product (MRP)

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Definition of 'Marginal Revenue Product (MRP)'

The marginal revenue product (MRP) of a factor of production is the additional revenue that a firm earns by employing one more unit of that factor. It is calculated by taking the change in total revenue from employing one more unit of the factor and dividing it by the change in the quantity of the factor employed.

The MRP of a factor is important because it determines the demand for that factor. A firm will demand a factor up to the point where the MRP of the factor is equal to its price. If the MRP of a factor is greater than its price, the firm will increase its use of that factor. If the MRP of a factor is less than its price, the firm will decrease its use of that factor.

The MRP of a factor can be affected by a number of factors, including the price of the factor, the productivity of the factor, and the demand for the product that the factor is used to produce.

The price of a factor is an important determinant of its MRP. If the price of a factor increases, the MRP of that factor will decrease. This is because the firm will be less willing to pay a higher price for a factor that does not generate as much additional revenue.

The productivity of a factor is also an important determinant of its MRP. If a factor is more productive, the MRP of that factor will be higher. This is because the firm will be able to generate more additional revenue by using a more productive factor.

The demand for the product that a factor is used to produce is also an important determinant of its MRP. If the demand for a product increases, the MRP of the factors used to produce that product will also increase. This is because the firm will be able to sell more of its product and generate more additional revenue by using more of the factors.

The MRP of a factor is a key concept in economics. It is used to determine the demand for factors of production and to analyze the effects of changes in factor prices and productivity on the demand for factors.

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