Market Timing

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Definition of 'Market Timing'

Market timing is the practice of trying to buy and sell assets in order to profit from short-term fluctuations in their prices. Market timers attempt to identify market tops and bottoms, and then buy and sell accordingly.

Market timing is a difficult and risky strategy. There is no guarantee that market timers will be able to correctly identify market tops and bottoms, and even if they do, they may not be able to sell their assets at the right time to realize a profit. In addition, market timing can lead to high transaction costs, which can eat into any potential profits.

For these reasons, most financial experts recommend against market timing. Instead, they suggest that investors focus on long-term investing and dollar-cost averaging.

Here are some of the risks associated with market timing:

* **The difficulty of identifying market tops and bottoms.** Market timers must be able to correctly identify market tops and bottoms in order to make a profit. This is a difficult task, and even professional investors are not always successful.
* **The potential for high transaction costs.** Market timers often trade frequently in order to try to capture short-term market movements. This can lead to high transaction costs, which can eat into any potential profits.
* **The potential for emotional distress.** Market timers must be able to make decisions in the face of uncertainty and volatility. This can be a stressful experience, and it can lead to poor decision-making.

Overall, market timing is a risky and difficult strategy that is not recommended for most investors. If you are considering market timing, be sure to understand the risks involved and to only use a small portion of your portfolio for this strategy.

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