Maximum Drawdown (MDD)

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Definition of 'Maximum Drawdown (MDD)'

Maximum drawdown (MDD) is the peak-to-trough decline of an investment portfolio from its highest point to its lowest point. It is a measure of the volatility of an investment and is often used as an indicator of risk.

MDD is calculated by taking the difference between the highest value of an investment and the lowest value during the same time period. For example, if an investment is worth $100 at its peak and $50 at its trough, the MDD would be 50%.

MDD is often used to compare different investments and to assess their riskiness. An investment with a high MDD is considered to be more risky than an investment with a low MDD.

MDD can also be used to track the performance of an investment over time. A declining MDD indicates that an investment is becoming less volatile and therefore less risky.

It is important to note that MDD is not the same as loss. Loss is the actual amount of money that is lost during a decline in an investment. MDD is a measure of the percentage decline, not the actual amount of money lost.

MDD can be a useful tool for investors, but it is important to understand its limitations. MDD does not take into account the frequency of declines or the length of time that an investment is held. It also does not take into account the potential for future gains.

Overall, MDD is a useful metric for measuring the risk of an investment, but it should be used in conjunction with other factors when making investment decisions.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about MDD:

* MDD is typically calculated over a specific time period, such as one year or five years.
* The longer the time period, the more likely it is that an investment will experience a decline.
* MDD can be calculated for individual investments, as well as for portfolios of investments.
* MDD can be used to compare different investments and to assess their riskiness.
* MDD can also be used to track the performance of an investment over time.

If you are considering investing in an investment with a high MDD, it is important to be aware of the risks involved. You should also make sure that you have a long-term investment horizon and that you are comfortable with the possibility of losing money.

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