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Definition of 'Microcredit'

Microcredit is a small loan, typically $500 or less, that is made to entrepreneurs and small businesses in developing countries. Microcredit is often used to help people start their own businesses or to expand existing businesses. Microcredit is often seen as a way to help people lift themselves out of poverty.

Microcredit is not without its critics. Some people argue that microcredit is not effective in helping people escape poverty. They argue that microcredit loans are often too small to make a significant difference, and that the interest rates on microcredit loans are too high.

Others argue that microcredit can actually be harmful. They argue that microcredit loans can trap people in a cycle of debt. They also argue that microcredit loans can lead to exploitation of the poor by lenders.

Despite the controversy, microcredit remains a popular tool for development. Microcredit is seen as a way to help people create jobs and improve their lives. Microcredit is also seen as a way to promote economic development in developing countries.

Microcredit is a complex issue with no easy answers. There is evidence that microcredit can be effective in helping people escape poverty, but there is also evidence that microcredit can be harmful. The debate over microcredit is likely to continue for many years to come.

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