Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)

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Definition of 'Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)'

The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) is a depreciation method used for tax purposes in the United States. It is a system of accelerated depreciation, which means that it allows businesses to deduct more depreciation in the early years of an asset's life than they would under a straight-line depreciation method. This can be beneficial for businesses because it allows them to reduce their taxable income in the early years of an asset's life, when they are likely to be making the most profits.

MACRS is based on the concept of recovery periods. A recovery period is the period of time over which an asset is depreciated. The length of the recovery period depends on the type of asset. For example, the recovery period for a building is 39 years, while the recovery period for a computer is 5 years.

Under MACRS, the depreciation deduction for an asset is calculated by multiplying the asset's cost by a depreciation rate. The depreciation rate is different for each recovery period. For example, the depreciation rate for the first year of a 39-year recovery period is 3.485%.

The depreciation deduction for an asset is taken over the course of its recovery period. However, businesses can choose to take the depreciation deduction in one lump sum, or they can spread it out over the course of the recovery period.

MACRS is a complex system, and there are many rules and regulations that businesses must follow in order to use it correctly. Businesses should consult with a tax advisor to make sure they are using MACRS correctly.

Here are some additional details about MACRS:

* MACRS is a tax-deductible expense, which means that it can reduce a business's taxable income.
* MACRS can be used for both new and used assets.
* MACRS can be used for both tangible and intangible assets.
* MACRS can be used for both personal and business assets.

MACRS is a valuable tool for businesses to use to reduce their taxes. By understanding how MACRS works, businesses can make informed decisions about how to depreciate their assets and maximize their tax savings.

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