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Definition of 'Monetarist'

Monetarism is a macroeconomic theory that emphasizes the role of money in determining the price level and economic growth. Monetarists believe that the central bank, which is responsible for setting monetary policy, should focus on controlling the money supply in order to achieve its macroeconomic objectives.

Monetarism is based on the quantity theory of money, which states that the money supply is directly proportional to the price level. In other words, if the money supply increases, the price level will increase, and vice versa. Monetarists believe that the central bank can control the money supply by setting interest rates. When the central bank raises interest rates, it makes it more expensive for businesses and individuals to borrow money. This reduces the amount of money in circulation, which leads to a decrease in the price level. Conversely, when the central bank lowers interest rates, it makes it cheaper for businesses and individuals to borrow money. This increases the amount of money in circulation, which leads to an increase in the price level.

Monetarists believe that the central bank should focus on controlling the money supply in order to achieve its macroeconomic objectives. For example, if the central bank wants to reduce inflation, it should raise interest rates in order to reduce the money supply. Conversely, if the central bank wants to stimulate economic growth, it should lower interest rates in order to increase the money supply.

Monetarism is a controversial theory. Some economists believe that it is too simplistic and that it does not take into account other factors that affect the economy, such as fiscal policy and supply shocks. However, monetarism has been influential in the development of macroeconomic theory and policy. Many central banks around the world, including the Federal Reserve, have adopted monetarist principles in their monetary policy.

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