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Definition of 'Monopoly'

Monopoly is a type of market structure in which a single company or group of companies has control over a particular market. This can occur when there are high barriers to entry into the market, such as economies of scale or government regulations. Monopoly power can lead to higher prices and less innovation, as the monopolist has no incentive to compete with itself.

There are a number of different types of monopolies. A **pure monopoly** exists when there is only one company in a particular market. This is rare, but it can occur in markets where there are high barriers to entry, such as natural monopolies. A **natural monopoly** is a market in which the most efficient way to produce a good or service is for a single company to control the entire market. This can occur when there are large economies of scale, such as in the case of electricity generation or water distribution.

A **monopolistic competition** exists when there are a large number of companies in a market, but each company has a small market share. This can occur when there are low barriers to entry into the market, such as in the case of the retail industry. In a monopolistically competitive market, companies compete on price, quality, and service.

A **oligopoly** exists when there are a few large companies in a market. This can occur when there are high barriers to entry into the market, such as in the case of the airline industry. In an oligopoly, companies compete on price, quality, and service, but they may also collude to fix prices or restrict output.

Monopolies can have a number of negative consequences for the economy. They can lead to higher prices, less innovation, and reduced consumer choice. In some cases, monopolies can also be harmful to the environment.

There are a number of different ways to regulate monopolies. One approach is to break up the monopoly into smaller companies. Another approach is to regulate the prices that the monopoly can charge. Finally, governments can also promote competition by encouraging new entrants into the market.

Monopoly is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by understanding the different types of monopolies and their potential consequences, governments can take steps to prevent monopolies from harming the economy.

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