Multiple Listing Service (MLS)

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Definition of 'Multiple Listing Service (MLS)'

A Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a real estate database that contains listings of properties for sale or rent from multiple real estate brokerage firms. It is a centralized system that allows real estate agents to share information about properties with each other and with potential buyers and sellers.

The MLS is used by real estate agents to help them find properties that meet their clients' needs. It also helps them to market properties to a wider audience of potential buyers.

The MLS is a valuable tool for real estate agents because it provides them with access to a large database of properties. It also helps them to stay up-to-date on the latest listings and trends in the real estate market.

The MLS is not a public database. Only real estate agents who are members of the MLS can access the information it contains. This is done to protect the privacy of the property owners who list their properties on the MLS.

The MLS is a valuable resource for both real estate agents and potential buyers and sellers. It is a centralized system that provides access to a large database of properties. It also helps to keep the real estate market transparent and fair.

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