Mutually Exclusive

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Definition of 'Mutually Exclusive'

Mutually exclusive events are those that cannot happen at the same time. For example, if you flip a coin, the outcome cannot be heads and tails at the same time.

In finance, mutually exclusive events are often used to describe investment options. For example, you might be considering investing in stocks or bonds. If you choose to invest in stocks, you cannot also invest in bonds at the same time.

Mutually exclusive events are important to understand because they can affect the way you make investment decisions. For example, if you are risk-averse, you might want to choose investments that are less likely to lose value. In this case, you would want to avoid investments that are mutually exclusive with each other.

Another way to think about mutually exclusive events is that they are like a coin flip. When you flip a coin, you have two possible outcomes: heads or tails. You cannot get both heads and tails at the same time.

In finance, mutually exclusive events are often used to describe investment options. For example, you might be considering investing in stocks or bonds. If you choose to invest in stocks, you cannot also invest in bonds at the same time.

Mutually exclusive events are important to understand because they can affect the way you make investment decisions. For example, if you are risk-averse, you might want to choose investments that are less likely to lose value. In this case, you would want to avoid investments that are mutually exclusive with each other.

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