National Income Accounting

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Definition of 'National Income Accounting'

National income accounting is a system of macroeconomic accounts that records the flows of economic value between sectors of the economy. It is part of national accounts, a system of macroeconomic statistics that describes the economic activities of a country or region.

National income accounting provides a framework for understanding the economy and for making economic policy. It can be used to track the size of the economy, the distribution of income, and the growth rate of the economy. It can also be used to analyze the impact of government policies on the economy.

The national income accounts are divided into two main parts: the production account and the expenditure account. The production account records the value of goods and services produced in the economy. The expenditure account records the spending on goods and services by households, businesses, and the government.

The national income accounts are compiled using a variety of data sources, including:

* Gross domestic product (GDP)
* Personal income
* Corporate profits
* Government spending
* Foreign trade

The national income accounts are used by governments, businesses, and economists to make decisions about economic policy. They are also used by the public to understand the economy and its performance.

Here are some of the uses of national income accounting:

* Governments use national income accounting to track the size of the economy and to measure economic growth. This information is used to make decisions about fiscal policy, such as taxation and government spending.
* Businesses use national income accounting to analyze the economic environment and to make decisions about investment and production.
* Economists use national income accounting to study the economy and to develop economic theories. This information is used to make predictions about the future performance of the economy.

National income accounting is a valuable tool for understanding the economy and for making economic policy. It provides a comprehensive picture of the economy and its performance.

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