Natural Monopoly

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Definition of 'Natural Monopoly'

A natural monopoly is a type of monopoly that occurs when a single company can supply a good or service at a lower cost than two or more companies could. This is because the company has a natural advantage over its competitors, such as economies of scale or a patent.

Natural monopolies are often found in industries where there are high fixed costs and low marginal costs. For example, it is more efficient for one company to build and maintain a power grid than it would be for two or more companies to do so. Similarly, it is more efficient for one company to operate a railroad than it would be for two or more companies to do so.

Natural monopolies can be beneficial to consumers because they can provide goods and services at a lower cost than would be possible if there were multiple competing companies. However, natural monopolies can also be harmful to consumers because they can have the power to set prices and restrict output.

Governments often regulate natural monopolies to ensure that they do not abuse their market power. For example, governments may require natural monopolies to charge the same price to all customers or to provide access to their networks to other companies.

Here are some examples of natural monopolies:

* Electricity
* Natural gas
* Water
* Telephone service
* Cable television
* Railroads
* Airlines

It is important to note that not all monopolies are natural monopolies. Some monopolies are created by government regulations or by anti-competitive practices. For example, a company that has a patent on a new product may have a monopoly on that product until the patent expires. Similarly, a company that has a government-granted monopoly may have a monopoly on a particular service.

It is also important to note that not all natural monopolies are bad. Some natural monopolies can provide essential services to consumers at a lower cost than would be possible if there were multiple competing companies. However, it is important for governments to regulate natural monopolies to ensure that they do not abuse their market power.

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