Negative Bond Yield

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Definition of 'Negative Bond Yield'

A negative bond yield is a situation in which the interest rate on a bond is less than zero. This can occur when investors are willing to pay a premium to own a bond, even if it means receiving a negative return on their investment.

There are a number of reasons why negative bond yields might occur. One reason is that investors may be concerned about the future value of money. If they believe that inflation will be high, they may be willing to accept a negative yield in order to lock in a fixed rate of return.

Another reason for negative bond yields is that investors may be concerned about the creditworthiness of the issuer. If they believe that the issuer is likely to default on its debt, they may be willing to accept a negative yield in order to compensate for the risk.

Negative bond yields can have a number of implications for the economy. One implication is that they can make it more difficult for businesses to borrow money. This is because businesses typically borrow money at a rate that is higher than the yield on government bonds. If government bond yields are negative, businesses will have to pay a higher rate of interest on their loans.

Negative bond yields can also make it more difficult for governments to finance their debt. This is because governments typically issue bonds to finance their spending. If bond yields are negative, governments will have to pay a higher rate of interest on their debt.

Negative bond yields can also have a negative impact on the stock market. This is because negative bond yields make it more attractive for investors to hold bonds instead of stocks. This can lead to lower stock prices.

Overall, negative bond yields can have a number of negative implications for the economy. They can make it more difficult for businesses and governments to borrow money, and they can lead to lower stock prices.

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