Negative Assurance

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Definition of 'Negative Assurance'

Negative assurance is a type of assurance that is provided by an auditor when they are not able to provide a positive opinion on the financial statements. This can be due to a number of reasons, such as the auditor not having access to all of the necessary information, or the auditor being unable to determine whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.

When an auditor provides negative assurance, they are essentially saying that they have not found any evidence to suggest that the financial statements are materially misstated. However, they are not able to provide a positive opinion on the financial statements because they have not been able to complete all of the necessary procedures.

Negative assurance is often used when an auditor is unable to complete all of the necessary procedures due to a lack of time or resources. It can also be used when the auditor is unable to obtain all of the necessary information from the client.

Negative assurance is not as strong as a positive opinion, but it can still be useful for investors and other stakeholders. It provides them with some assurance that the financial statements are not materially misstated, even though the auditor has not been able to complete all of the necessary procedures.

Here are some of the key points to remember about negative assurance:

* Negative assurance is a type of assurance that is provided by an auditor when they are not able to provide a positive opinion on the financial statements.
* Negative assurance is often used when an auditor is unable to complete all of the necessary procedures due to a lack of time or resources.
* Negative assurance is not as strong as a positive opinion, but it can still be useful for investors and other stakeholders.

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