Negative Feedback

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Definition of 'Negative Feedback'

Negative feedback is a process that occurs when a system's output is used to reduce or reverse its input. In other words, it is a mechanism that helps to keep a system in equilibrium.

Negative feedback is used in a variety of applications, such as temperature control, cruise control, and thermostats. In these applications, the system's output is compared to a desired set point. If the output deviates from the set point, the system takes corrective action to bring the output back in line.

Negative feedback can also be used to stabilize a system. For example, in a feedback amplifier, the output signal is fed back to the input of the amplifier. This feedback signal helps to reduce the amplifier's gain, which prevents the output from becoming too large.

Negative feedback is a powerful tool that can be used to control and stabilize a variety of systems. It is important to understand the principles of negative feedback in order to use it effectively.

Here are some additional examples of negative feedback in action:

* A thermostat uses negative feedback to maintain a desired temperature in a room. The thermostat senses the temperature of the room and compares it to the desired temperature. If the room is too hot, the thermostat turns on the air conditioner. If the room is too cold, the thermostat turns on the heater.
* A cruise control system uses negative feedback to maintain a desired speed on a car. The cruise control system senses the car's speed and compares it to the desired speed. If the car's speed deviates from the desired speed, the cruise control system adjusts the throttle to bring the car's speed back in line.
* A pH controller uses negative feedback to maintain a desired pH level in a solution. The pH controller senses the pH of the solution and compares it to the desired pH. If the pH of the solution deviates from the desired pH, the pH controller adds acid or base to the solution to bring the pH back in line.

Negative feedback is a powerful tool that can be used to control and stabilize a variety of systems. It is important to understand the principles of negative feedback in order to use it effectively.

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