Negotiable Instrument

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Definition of 'Negotiable Instrument'

A negotiable instrument is a document that can be transferred from one person to another. It can be used to pay for goods or services, or to borrow money.

There are two main types of negotiable instruments:

* **Order instruments** are payable to a specific person or company. They can be transferred by endorsement, which is the signature of the payee on the back of the instrument.
* **Bearer instruments** are payable to the bearer, which means whoever has the instrument can cash it.

Some common examples of negotiable instruments include checks, drafts, promissory notes, and certificates of deposit.

Negotiable instruments are important because they allow for the easy transfer of money. They can also be used to create security interests in property, which can be used to secure loans.

However, negotiable instruments can also be used for fraud. For example, a person could forge a check or draft and then cash it. This is why it is important to be careful when dealing with negotiable instruments.

Here are some additional details about negotiable instruments:

* They must be in writing.
* They must be signed by the maker.
* They must contain an unconditional promise to pay a certain amount of money.
* They must be payable on demand or at a definite time.
* They must be payable to a specific person or company, or to the bearer.

If a document meets all of these requirements, it is considered to be a negotiable instrument.

Negotiable instruments are an important part of the financial system. They allow for the easy transfer of money and can be used to create security interests in property. However, it is important to be careful when dealing with negotiable instruments, as they can be used for fraud.

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