Net Debt Per Capita

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Definition of 'Net Debt Per Capita'

Net debt per capita is a measure of a country's debt relative to its population. It is calculated by dividing a country's total debt by its population. Net debt per capita can be used to compare the debt burden of different countries and to track changes in a country's debt over time.

Net debt per capita is often used as an indicator of a country's fiscal health. A high net debt per capita can be a sign that a country is struggling to meet its financial obligations. However, it is important to note that net debt per capita is not a perfect measure of a country's fiscal health. For example, a country with a high net debt per capita may have a strong economy and be able to repay its debts. Conversely, a country with a low net debt per capita may have a weak economy and be unable to repay its debts.

Net debt per capita is also used to calculate a country's debt-to-GDP ratio. The debt-to-GDP ratio is a measure of a country's debt relative to its gross domestic product (GDP). The higher a country's debt-to-GDP ratio, the more indebted it is. The IMF recommends that countries keep their debt-to-GDP ratio below 60%.

Net debt per capita can be a useful tool for understanding a country's fiscal health. However, it is important to use it in conjunction with other measures of fiscal health, such as the debt-to-GDP ratio, to get a complete picture of a country's financial situation.

Here are some additional points to consider about net debt per capita:

* Net debt per capita can be calculated for both government debt and private debt. Government debt is the debt of the government, while private debt is the debt of businesses and individuals.
* Net debt per capita can be calculated for both current and future debt. Current debt is the debt that is currently owed, while future debt is the debt that will be owed in the future.
* Net debt per capita can be calculated for both domestic and foreign debt. Domestic debt is the debt that is owed to residents of the country, while foreign debt is the debt that is owed to residents of other countries.

Net debt per capita is a complex concept with many different implications. It is important to understand the different ways that net debt per capita can be calculated and used before making any conclusions about a country's fiscal health.

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