Neural Network

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Definition of 'Neural Network'

A neural network is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that is inspired by the human brain. It is a system of interconnected nodes that can learn to perform tasks by being exposed to data. Neural networks are used in a wide variety of applications, including image recognition, natural language processing, and speech recognition.

Neural networks are made up of layers of interconnected nodes. Each node is a simple processing unit that takes in inputs from the nodes in the previous layer and outputs a value. The values that are output by the nodes in the final layer are used to make predictions or decisions.

Neural networks are trained by a process called supervised learning. In supervised learning, the neural network is presented with a set of data that includes both the inputs and the desired outputs. The neural network learns to map the inputs to the outputs by adjusting the weights on the connections between the nodes.

The training process can be very time-consuming, but once a neural network is trained, it can be very fast at making predictions. Neural networks are also very good at generalizing to new data, which means that they can make accurate predictions even on data that they have not seen before.

Neural networks are a powerful tool that is being used in a growing number of applications. They are particularly well-suited for tasks that require pattern recognition or decision-making. As neural networks continue to develop, they are likely to play an increasingly important role in our lives.

Here are some additional details about neural networks:

* Neural networks are made up of layers of interconnected nodes. Each node is a simple processing unit that takes in inputs from the nodes in the previous layer and outputs a value.
* The values that are output by the nodes in the final layer are used to make predictions or decisions.
* Neural networks are trained by a process called supervised learning. In supervised learning, the neural network is presented with a set of data that includes both the inputs and the desired outputs. The neural network learns to map the inputs to the outputs by adjusting the weights on the connections between the nodes.
* The training process can be very time-consuming, but once a neural network is trained, it can be very fast at making predictions. Neural networks are also very good at generalizing to new data, which means that they can make accurate predictions even on data that they have not seen before.
* Neural networks are a powerful tool that is being used in a growing number of applications. They are particularly well-suited for tasks that require pattern recognition or decision-making. As neural networks continue to develop, they are likely to play an increasingly important role in our lives.

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