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Definition of 'NEXUS'


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NEXUS is a financial term that refers to the relationship between two or more entities. This relationship can be contractual, financial, or otherwise. NEXUS is important in financial transactions because it can affect the tax treatment of the transaction.

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**Types of NEXUS**

There are three main types of NEXUS:

* **Contractual NEXUS:** This type of NEXUS arises when two or more entities enter into a contract with each other. For example, if a company enters into a contract to sell goods to another company, there is a contractual NEXUS between the two companies.
* **Financial NEXUS:** This type of NEXUS arises when two or more entities have a financial relationship with each other. For example, if a company borrows money from another company, there is a financial NEXUS between the two companies.
* **Other NEXUS:** This type of NEXUS arises when two or more entities have a relationship that is not contractual or financial. For example, if two companies are located in the same state, there is a NEXUS between the two companies.

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**Tax Implications of NEXUS**

The tax implications of NEXUS can vary depending on the type of NEXUS and the specific circumstances of the transaction. However, in general, NEXUS can affect the following taxes:

* **Income tax:** If two or more entities have a NEXUS, they may be required to file a joint income tax return.
* **Sales tax:** If two or more entities have a NEXUS, they may be required to collect sales tax on their sales.
* **Property tax:** If two or more entities have a NEXUS, they may be required to pay property tax on their property.

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NEXUS is an important financial term that can have a significant impact on taxes. It is important to understand the different types of NEXUS and their tax implications in order to avoid any potential problems.

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