Noise Trader

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Definition of 'Noise Trader'

A noise trader is a market participant who trades on the basis of irrelevant or random information. This can lead to inefficient markets, as noise traders can cause prices to deviate from their fundamental values.

There are a number of reasons why noise traders might exist. One reason is that they may not have access to all of the information that is available to other market participants. This could be because they are not as sophisticated investors, or because they do not have the resources to pay for expensive research.

Another reason why noise traders might exist is that they may be irrational. This could be because they are emotional investors, or because they are simply not very good at making decisions.

Noise traders can have a significant impact on the market. They can cause prices to fluctuate more than they would otherwise, and they can make it difficult for other investors to make informed decisions. In some cases, noise traders can even cause markets to become inefficient.

There are a number of things that can be done to reduce the impact of noise traders. One is to educate investors about the importance of fundamental analysis. Another is to improve the quality of information that is available to investors. Finally, regulators can take steps to limit the amount of noise trading that takes place.

Noise traders are a challenge for market participants, but they can also be an opportunity. By understanding the impact of noise traders, investors can make better decisions and protect themselves from losses.

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