Nonperforming Loan (NPL)

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Definition of 'Nonperforming Loan (NPL)'

A nonperforming loan (NPL) is a loan that is not being repaid according to the agreed terms. This can include loans that are past due, in default, or have been charged off. NPLs are a major problem for banks and other lenders, as they can lead to losses and can make it difficult for them to lend money to other borrowers.

There are a number of reasons why a loan may become nonperforming. The most common reason is that the borrower has lost their job or has otherwise become unable to make their payments. Other reasons can include the borrower's death or disability, or the borrower's property being damaged or destroyed.

NPLs can have a number of negative consequences for banks and other lenders. First, they can lead to losses if the lender is unable to collect the full amount of the loan. Second, NPLs can make it difficult for lenders to lend money to other borrowers, as they may be reluctant to take on new loans if they have a large number of NPLs on their books. Third, NPLs can damage a lender's reputation, making it more difficult for them to attract new customers.

There are a number of things that lenders can do to try to prevent NPLs from occurring. First, they can carefully screen potential borrowers to make sure that they are creditworthy. Second, they can monitor borrowers' creditworthiness on an ongoing basis to make sure that they are still able to make their payments. Third, they can offer borrowers financial counseling and other assistance to help them stay current on their payments.

Despite lenders' best efforts, NPLs will always occur from time to time. When this happens, lenders have a number of options available to them. They can try to collect the full amount of the loan by working with the borrower. They can also sell the loan to another lender or to a collection agency. Finally, they can write off the loan as a loss.

Nonperforming loans are a serious problem for banks and other lenders. However, there are a number of things that lenders can do to try to prevent NPLs from occurring, and there are also a number of options available to lenders when NPLs do occur.

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