Notional Value

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Definition of 'Notional Value'

The notional value of a financial instrument is the principal amount that is used to calculate payments or other values. It is not the same as the market value of the instrument, which is the current price that it would sell for.

The notional value of a derivative is the underlying asset or reference rate that is used to calculate the payoff of the derivative. For example, in an interest rate swap, the notional value is the principal amount of the loan that is being swapped. In a currency swap, the notional value is the amount of one currency that is being exchanged for another.

The notional value of a forward contract is the amount of the underlying asset that is being contracted to buy or sell at a future date. For example, in a stock forward contract, the notional value is the number of shares of stock that are being contracted to buy or sell.

The notional value of an option is the underlying asset or reference rate that is used to determine the strike price of the option. For example, in a call option on a stock, the notional value is the price of the stock at the time the option is purchased.

The notional value of a swap is the amount of the underlying asset that is being exchanged between the two parties to the swap. For example, in an interest rate swap, the notional value is the principal amount of the loan that is being swapped.

The notional value of a warrant is the underlying asset or reference rate that is used to determine the exercise price of the warrant. For example, in a warrant on a stock, the notional value is the price of the stock at the time the warrant is issued.

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