Objective Probability

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Definition of 'Objective Probability'

Objective probability is the mathematical likelihood of an event occurring, based on all available evidence. It is often contrasted with subjective probability, which is the personal belief about the likelihood of an event occurring.

Objective probability is based on the frequency of an event occurring in the past. For example, the objective probability of flipping a coin and getting heads is 1 in 2, because heads and tails are equally likely to occur.

Subjective probability is based on a person's beliefs or feelings about the likelihood of an event occurring. For example, a person who is afraid of flying may believe that the objective probability of a plane crash is higher than it actually is.

Objective probability is used in a variety of financial applications, such as risk management and portfolio construction. Risk managers use objective probability to estimate the potential losses that a company may face. Portfolio managers use objective probability to determine the optimal mix of assets in a portfolio.

It is important to note that objective probability is not always accurate. The past is not always a good predictor of the future, and new information can always change the likelihood of an event occurring. For this reason, it is important to use objective probability in conjunction with other risk management tools, such as scenario analysis and stress testing.

In conclusion, objective probability is a valuable tool for financial decision-making. However, it is important to remember that objective probability is not always accurate, and it should be used in conjunction with other risk management tools.

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