NYSE Composite Index

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Definition of 'NYSE Composite Index'

The NYSE Composite Index is a stock market index of all common stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange. It is the broadest measure of the stock market performance of companies listed on the NYSE. The index is calculated by adding the prices of all stocks listed on the NYSE and dividing by a divisor. The divisor is adjusted to account for changes in the number of stocks in the index and for stock splits.

The NYSE Composite Index is a good measure of the overall performance of the stock market. It is used by investors to track the performance of the stock market and to make investment decisions. The index is also used by financial analysts to compare the performance of different stocks and sectors of the economy.

The NYSE Composite Index has been around since 1884. It is one of the oldest stock market indexes in the world. The index has been through many changes over the years. In 1928, the index was expanded to include all stocks listed on the NYSE. In 1982, the index was renamed the NYSE Composite Index.

The NYSE Composite Index is a price-weighted index. This means that the price of each stock in the index is multiplied by its weighting factor and then added together to calculate the index value. The weighting factor for each stock is based on its market capitalization. Market capitalization is the total value of all shares of a company that are outstanding.

The NYSE Composite Index is a volatile index. It can experience large swings in value over short periods of time. This is because the index is sensitive to changes in the prices of individual stocks.

The NYSE Composite Index is a good measure of the overall performance of the stock market. However, it is important to remember that the index is price-weighted and can be volatile. Investors should use the index with caution and should not make investment decisions based solely on the index value.

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