Odd Lot Theory

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Definition of 'Odd Lot Theory'

Odd lot theory is a theory in finance that states that the prices of stocks with small trading volumes (odd lots) are more volatile than the prices of stocks with large trading volumes (round lots). This is because odd lots are less liquid than round lots, and therefore, they are more susceptible to manipulation by market makers and other large traders.

There are a few reasons why odd lots are less liquid than round lots. First, there are simply fewer odd lots traded than round lots. This is because most investors prefer to trade in round lots, as they are more convenient and easier to trade. Second, odd lots are often traded at a discount to the prevailing market price. This is because market makers are willing to sell odd lots at a discount in order to make a profit on the spread.

The lower liquidity and higher volatility of odd lots can make them a risky investment for individual investors. However, some professional traders may use odd lots to their advantage by taking advantage of the price discrepancies between odd lots and round lots.

There are a few ways to trade odd lots. One way is to use a broker who specializes in odd lot trading. Another way is to trade odd lots directly on the stock exchange. However, it is important to note that trading odd lots can be risky, and investors should only do so if they are familiar with the risks involved.

Odd lot theory is a complex topic, and there is still some debate about its validity. However, there is some evidence to suggest that odd lots can be more volatile than round lots. This is something that investors should keep in mind when making investment decisions.

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