Off-the-Run Treasuries

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Definition of 'Off-the-Run Treasuries'

Off-the-run Treasuries are U.S. Treasury securities that are not the most recently issued Treasury bonds. They are typically issued at a discount to par value and mature at a fixed rate of interest. Off-the-run Treasuries are considered to be less liquid than on-the-run Treasuries, but they offer higher yields.

There are two main types of off-the-run Treasuries:

* **Secondary market Treasuries:** These are Treasuries that have been issued and then resold in the secondary market.
* **Recallable Treasuries:** These are Treasuries that the government can recall at any time.

Off-the-run Treasuries are often used by investors who are looking for a higher yield than what is available on on-the-run Treasuries. However, they should be aware that off-the-run Treasuries are less liquid and may be more difficult to sell if needed.

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of investing in off-the-run Treasuries:


* Higher yields than on-the-run Treasuries
* Lower risk of default than other types of bonds
* Good diversification option for a bond portfolio


* Less liquid than on-the-run Treasuries
* May be more difficult to sell if needed
* Higher interest rate risk than on-the-run Treasuries

Overall, off-the-run Treasuries can be a good investment for investors who are looking for a higher yield than what is available on on-the-run Treasuries. However, they should be aware of the risks involved before investing.

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