Opportunity Cost

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Definition of 'Opportunity Cost'

Opportunity cost is the cost of an alternative that you forgo when you make a choice. It is the value of the next best alternative that you could have chosen, but didn't.

For example, if you decide to go to the movies instead of studying for a test, the opportunity cost is the value of the grade you could have gotten if you had studied.

Opportunity cost is an important concept in economics because it helps us to understand the trade-offs that we make in our lives. When we make a decision, we are always giving up something in return. The opportunity cost helps us to understand what we are giving up when we make a particular choice.

Opportunity cost can be both explicit and implicit. Explicit costs are the direct costs of a decision, such as the price of a movie ticket. Implicit costs are the indirect costs of a decision, such as the time you spend watching a movie instead of studying.

Opportunity cost is a useful concept for making decisions in both personal and business life. By understanding the opportunity cost of our choices, we can make better decisions that are more aligned with our goals.

Here are some additional examples of opportunity cost:

* You decide to buy a new car instead of saving for retirement. The opportunity cost is the lost interest that you would have earned on your savings.
* You decide to go to college instead of starting a business. The opportunity cost is the potential profits that you could have earned if you had started a business.
* You decide to take a vacation instead of working overtime. The opportunity cost is the extra money that you could have earned if you had worked overtime.

Opportunity cost is a concept that is often overlooked, but it can have a significant impact on our lives. By understanding the opportunity cost of our choices, we can make better decisions that are more aligned with our goals.

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