Organic Sales

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Definition of 'Organic Sales'

Organic sales are a measure of a company's growth that excludes the impact of acquisitions and divestitures. This metric is used to compare a company's performance over time and to assess its underlying business momentum.

There are two main ways to calculate organic sales. The first method is to subtract the change in the company's total assets from its revenue. The second method is to subtract the change in the company's cost of goods sold from its revenue.

The first method is more accurate because it takes into account all of the changes in the company's assets, including cash, accounts receivable, inventory, and property and equipment. However, this method can be difficult to implement if the company's assets are not readily available.

The second method is easier to implement because it only requires the company to track its cost of goods sold. However, this method is less accurate because it does not take into account all of the changes in the company's assets.

Organic sales are an important metric for investors because they provide a more accurate picture of a company's growth. This metric can be used to identify companies that are growing organically and to avoid companies that are relying on acquisitions or divestitures to boost their revenue.

In addition to organic sales, there are a number of other metrics that investors can use to assess a company's growth. These metrics include net income, earnings per share, and return on equity. By using a variety of metrics, investors can get a more complete picture of a company's financial health and prospects.

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