Outcome Bias

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Definition of 'Outcome Bias'

Outcome bias is a cognitive bias that causes people to make decisions based on the outcome of a previous event, rather than the actual probability of that event occurring. This can lead to people making poor decisions, as they are not taking into account all of the relevant information.

For example, imagine that you are considering buying a lottery ticket. You know that the odds of winning are very low, but you are still tempted to buy a ticket because you think about all of the people who have won in the past. This is outcome bias at work. You are not taking into account the fact that the vast majority of people who buy lottery tickets lose money.

Outcome bias can also lead to people making bad investment decisions. For example, imagine that you invest in a company that has a history of strong returns. You are more likely to hold onto this investment, even if the company's fundamentals start to deteriorate, because you are thinking about all of the money you have made in the past. This is again, outcome bias at work. You are not taking into account the fact that the company may no longer be a good investment.

Outcome bias can be a very difficult bias to overcome, as it is often subconscious. However, there are a few things you can do to try to minimize its effects. First, try to be aware of the bias and how it can affect your decision-making. Second, gather as much information as possible before making a decision. This will help you to make a more informed decision and to avoid being swayed by emotions. Third, consider the possibility that you could be wrong. This will help you to be more objective and to make better decisions.

Outcome bias is a common cognitive bias that can lead to people making poor decisions. However, by being aware of the bias and taking steps to minimize its effects, you can make better financial decisions.

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