Overhead Rate

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Definition of 'Overhead Rate'

An overhead rate is a percentage of a company's total costs that are not directly related to the production of its goods or services. Overhead costs include things like rent, utilities, insurance, and salaries for employees who are not directly involved in production.

Overhead rates are used to allocate overhead costs to products or services so that the company can accurately determine its profit margins. The overhead rate is calculated by dividing the total overhead costs by the total number of units produced or services rendered.

For example, if a company has $100,000 in overhead costs and produces 10,000 units, the overhead rate would be $10 per unit. This means that each unit of product or service produced by the company costs $10 in overhead costs.

Overhead rates are important for businesses because they help to ensure that the company is accurately pricing its products or services. If a company's overhead rates are too high, it may not be able to make a profit on its products or services. If a company's overhead rates are too low, it may not be able to cover all of its costs.

There are a number of different ways to calculate overhead rates. The most common method is to use a cost allocation base. A cost allocation base is a factor that is used to measure the amount of overhead costs that should be allocated to each product or service. Common cost allocation bases include direct labor hours, machine hours, and units produced.

Once a cost allocation base has been selected, the overhead rate can be calculated by dividing the total overhead costs by the total amount of the cost allocation base. For example, if a company has $100,000 in overhead costs and 10,000 direct labor hours, the overhead rate would be $10 per direct labor hour.

Overhead rates can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

* Pricing products or services
* Determining the profitability of products or services
* Budgeting
* Financial reporting

By understanding how overhead rates are calculated, businesses can make better decisions about pricing, profitability, and budgeting.

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