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Definition of 'Overlay'

In finance, an overlay is a strategy that is used to enhance the performance of an underlying investment. Overlays can be used to hedge risk, generate additional returns, or both.

There are many different types of overlays, and the specific strategy that is used will depend on the individual investor's goals and risk tolerance. Some common types of overlays include:

* **Hedge overlays:** These overlays are designed to reduce the risk of an underlying investment. For example, a portfolio manager might use a hedge overlay to protect a stock portfolio from a decline in the stock market.
* **Return overlays:** These overlays are designed to generate additional returns for an underlying investment. For example, a portfolio manager might use a return overlay to boost the performance of a bond portfolio.
* **Combination overlays:** These overlays combine both hedging and return-generating strategies. For example, a portfolio manager might use a combination overlay to protect a stock portfolio from a decline in the stock market while also generating additional returns.

Overlays can be used by both individual investors and institutional investors. However, they are typically used by more sophisticated investors who have a good understanding of the risks and rewards involved.

It is important to note that overlays are not without risk. In some cases, an overlay strategy can actually reduce the performance of an underlying investment. Therefore, it is important to carefully evaluate the potential risks and rewards of any overlay strategy before using it.

Overlays can be a valuable tool for investors who are looking to improve the performance of their portfolios. However, it is important to understand the risks and rewards involved before using them.

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